The History of Wandsworth Common

Added 23.3.2020


< 24 Bellevue Rd

26 Bellevue Rd >

25 Bellevue Rd

23, 24, 25 Bellevue Rd

(Google 2019)

(Click on image to enlarge)

24 and 25 Bellevue Rd

JP (2017, e.2020):

These are two privately occupied houses, with steps leading up to the front doors. No.24 has recently [2020?] been sold. At one time they formed the boundary between Wandsworth and Battersea.

[PB: Add a map etc this boundary, and perhaps on the road between Tooting and Battersea that once ran along it.]

< 24 Bellevue Rd

26 Bellevue Rd >

Here is St James's Drive . . .

Here is Althorp Road . . .

Here is Wiseton Road . . .

Here is Trinity Road . . .