The History of Wandsworth Common

Added 23.3.2020


< 23 Bellevue Rd

25 Bellevue Rd >

24 Bellevue Rd

23, 24, 25 Bellevue Rd

(Google 2019)

(Click on image to enlarge)

24 and 25 Bellevue Rd

JP (2017, e.2020):

These are two privately occupied houses, with steps leading up to the front doors. No.24 has recently [2020?] been sold. At one time they formed the boundary between Wandsworth and Battersea.

[PB: Add a map etc this boundary, and perhaps on the road between Tooting and Battersea that once ran along it.]

Corris 1787, Battersea, with approx. positions of future Bellevue and St James's Drive marked. Corris shows no path or track even roughly corresponding to Bellevue.

Notice, incidentally, Earl Spencer's encroachments (outlined in red) along the future Bolingbroke Grove. Also the "Ghost Road" crossing and re-crossing the parish boundary - it is not the future Trinity Road. It would have emerged more or less exactly half way between the future Wiseton and Althorp Roads [today's building numbers 22 and 23? [23 and 24?]].

22 and 23 Bellevue Road: the "ghost road" along the parish boundary would have come out about here, between the two buildings.

Looking across the Common you might be able to see in perfect alignment the remaining parish boundary posts on the Avenue and on the corner behind the backs of the houses on Routh and Baskerville Roads.

(Click on image to enlarge)

< 23 Bellevue Rd

25 Bellevue Rd >

Here is St James's Drive . . .

Here is Althorp Road . . .

Here is Wiseton Road . . .

Here is Trinity Road . . .